2020 Plans...

As the year (and the decade - how did that happen ??) draw to a close, I have been putting the finishing touches to my plans for 2020 :
2020 Theme - My Greatest Ever Year
I’m pretty happy with what I have achieved in life so far, but I also know that I have more to give, so for me, 2020 is going to be the year that I finally live to my full potential.
2020 Habits - 3
Three habits to track - two based around Health & Nutrition, and one to rebuild a Powerful Morning Routine.
2020 Goals - 3
Three goals, one based on my business, one based on my health and the other to build something new that challenges me and helps others.
2020 Question - Is this moving me forward on one of my 3 goals, or meeting one of my core principles ?
And if not, why am I doing it ?
So, what are your plans for the coming year ?