3 Questions...

I have been experimenting with the idea of questioning everything I’m about to do - not to second guess or talk myself out of anything, but more as a way to keep myself on track.*
Here are the 3 questions I ask myself :
1. Does this move me closer to one of my 3 goals ? Yes = Do it now. If not…
2. Is this aligned with one of my Core Principles ? Yes = Do it, but preferably after higher priorities. If not…
3. Is this otherwise really important or necessary ? Yes = Do it, but wait until you really have to. If not, don’t do it.
I’ll be honest - I do still end up doing some stuff that got 3 “No”s, but less than I was doing before, and I have been less likely to do it again….
(*I started doing this after I had streamlined my confused soup of multiple goals down to 3 critical ones, as a way to reinforce that process.