6 Ways I Got My Mojo Back...

David Round
6 Ways I Got My Mojo Back...
6 Ways I Got My Mojo Back...
Everyone loses their mojo from time to time, but we can always get it back - for much of last year I felt like I had lost mine, but these 6 things helped me most to get it back :
1. I got better at taking action thanks to the audiobook version of ‘The 5 Second Rule’ by Mel Robbins;
2. I gained much greater clarity in my business, thanks to a weekly accountability call with my sister;
3. I found more energy after losing weight with ‘Slimming World’, and by sleeping more after reading ‘ Why We Sleep’ by Matthew Walker;
4. I have a better handle on the stuff I need to do (and what I could and should do next) after reading ‘Personal Kanban’ by Jim Benson;
5. I gave up an external commitment that had become toxic to my everyday thoughts;
6. I drew great inspiration from my family, and the way they each moved forwards.
No-one can do the hard work for us, but it turns out that mojo comes as much from the outside as it does from within…
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