An Answer From 3 Years Ago...

As I mentioned recently, I am re-reading Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits…” and, stuck to one of the pages, I found my 3 year-old answers to the following questions:
What one thing could you do regularly to make a tremendous positive difference to your personal life ?
What one thing would do the same for your professional life ?
My answer to the first was structured daily journaling, which I started to do intermittently, and now do every day, and which has made a big positive impact; my answer to the second was to work more ON my business than IN my business, a challenge that I still find myself facing every day…
There are two positive things I take from this experience - one is that a great question (and it’s answer) is timeless, and the other is that finding the words from my 3 year younger self is a very comforting experience.
I know I might go on a bit about how ‘Writing Helps’, but, so often, it really, really does…