Building habits you love to do…

When I first started my habit of daily reading I set my goal too high - 1 hour a day was just too difficult to maintain.
Once I found my right level (30 minutes), I still found it hard because I was reading at my wrong time of day (in the evening), and when I moved to early morning (with a lovely fresh coffee) I started to enjoy it more, and more importantly, more of the knowledge went in.
Now, about 500 or so days in, I have come to LOVE my morning reading, not just for the mindful feelings it brings, but also for the way that the ideas I read are like pebbles in a pond - dropping in and causing ripples as they link to my own thoughts and experiences, occasionally creating little waves of creativity.
So if you are trying to build a habit, know that it takes more than perseverance, it takes self-reflection and refinement too - and over time you’ll end up building a habit that YOU love to do too…