Checking-up on Change...

Just over a year ago, I changed my daily reading practice from ’30 minutes of reading’ to the slightly less punchy ’20 minutes of reading, and then writing up my notes in a learning journal before typing up those notes into a master document’.
The intention behind the change was to try and retain more of what I was reading, and to give me a reference book to re-read my summaries at a later date.
The thing is, one year on, I don’t feel like I have absorbed anything extra from my reading, and I have re-read precisely one of my summaries, so for this next book I’m going to go back to my old ’30 minutes a day’ to see what difference it makes.
Intentional change is key to moving forward, but sometimes we need to re-experience what went before to make sure that the change we made is actually delivering what we really need…