Chronos vs Kairos...

The Ancient Greeks had two different words for time - Chronos (the sequential passing of each moment of time) and Kairos (the right time).
Too often we focus on Chronos - looking to get as much done as possible by being as efficient as possible - but when we operate by Kairos, we shift towards effectiveness, focusing more on finding the best time to act so that we might get the maximum return out of that moment.
As an example, reading for 30 minutes might be most efficient if I do it in the evening when I would normally be watching TV, but I find it more effective when I read early in the morning when my mind is fresh and I can absorb more of the knowledge, even though I might be more efficient with other tasks at that time of day because I have greater energy.
Obviously it all comes down to balance and opportunity, reading in the evening is better than no reading at all, but if you were to take the Kairos approach, what would you start doing differently…?