Core Principles...

For a long time, I never understood why certain actions and events consumed my thoughts and made me feel less than positive. Then I realised that those negative feelings were because I had violated my Core Principles - the internal list of rules, beliefs and values that we use to inform and evaluate every action we take.
So, over the past few years I have kept and maintained a list of my Core Principles, refining them as I have changed and grown, and used them as a way to evaluate why some things just don’t feel right. What’s more, once I had the list, it became a proactive list of ‘rules’ to live my life by, and I genuinely believe that the process has made my life a little better.
I have shared that list once or twice, but I have never explained what each of them mean, and why they are important to me. So, for the next 14 days I plan to share a principle each day, along with thoughts and explanations on why they matter to me, in the hope that they might be of use to you if you ever decide to list your own Core Principles - whether you decide to share them or not...