Evolution of a goal...

David Round
Evolution of a goal...

Evolution of a goal...

V1 Read for 1 hr every evening. Result: Too much of a chore, and very little knowledge going in.

V2 Read for 1 hr every morning. Result: Still a chore, but more knowledge retained.

V3 Read for at least 30 min daily, usually in the morning. Result: Built knowledge and mindfulness, but very hard to fit in some days and sometimes repetitive.

V4 Learn for 30 min daily by reading or listening to podcasts/audiobooks. Result: Too unstructured. Listen to what I ‘feel like’ rather than valuable. Miss morning reading.

V5 Aim for 30 min morning reading, but audio allowed when I can’t. Result: Maximum value/mindfulness from morning reading, but pressure off when time-poor.

Each evolution has increased benefits and enjoyment - like Tony Robbins says “Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.”

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