Great Ideas...

1. At the end of each day, write down the 6 most important things you need to get done.
2. Prioritise the list based on their real importance.
3. When you start work tomorrow, begin with number 1 and work on it until it is completed, then move onto number 2.
4. Keep working on your list, without distraction, until you finish it, or the day is done.
5. Write any unfinished tasks onto tomorrow’s list.
6. Repeat this process EVERY working day.
I didn’t get this from a podcast, or a Facebook post. It’s not from one of the great personal development authors, or an online course in productivity. It wasn’t shared by someone uber-successful, and it’s not a ‘productivity hack’. This is the Ivy Lee Method, which was being taught back in 1918.
There are some great new ideas - but there are plenty of great old ones too….