Guilty Pleasures...

David Round
Guilty Pleasures...
Guilty Pleasures....

I'm 50-something years old, I meditate, read, walk and write every day. My favourite books are personal development books, I don’t spend a lot of time on social media, and most of my waking hours are filled with my family or building my business. I obsess over details, and by most definitions I’d say I was pretty purposeful and driven.

So would it surprise you that I really enjoy playing Fortnite on my Xbox, and play a little most days ?

Call it a guilty pleasure, or call it a de-stressor, but I think we all have and/or need that one thing that brings us a little joy and maybe doesn’t quite fit with the rest of our world.

And of course, the obvious question is what do YOU enjoy doing that would probably surprise us….?

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