On The Surface...

David Round
On The Surface...
On The Surface...

“I’m a regular dude who made a daily list of critical tasks that needed to get done, and I did them.”  Andy Frisella

On the surface, a simple quote, but examined a little deeper, it contains a lot of what we need to be successful :

Regular dude : success isn’t limited to a certain few - we can ALL develop the skills we need to achieve our goals;

Daily list : success is a constant effort, every single day, not just the days we ‘feel like it’;

Critical tasks : there are always other jobs that need to be done, but if we aren’t able to do at least some work on something critical to our long-term success every day, the we risk wasting the day;

I did them : we need to take action today, because putting it off until tomorrow just makes everything that little bit harder…

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