Shiny things...

David Round
Shiny things...
Shiny Things...

Yesterday, Apple released some shiny new things and I want all of them.

But why ?

Is it because I’m driven by needing to buy the latest, most fashionable things ? Take one look at my old car and my cheap jeans, and you’d know that can’t be it.

Is it because I love technology and gadgets ? Well yes I do, but that’s not it, because there are shinier and cleverer gadgets.

Is it because they promise creativity and a lifestyle I think I want ? Now we’re getting somewhere.

Is it because I’m scared of doing the work I need to do, and I somehow think they’ll make it all easier ? Bingo.

It’s tempting to think that we need X to do Y because it gives us an excuse to stay here, when in reality all we actually need is to sit down and do the bloody work…

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