Square Pegs...

Something happened on Monday that really bothered me - it affected my sleep that night, and it has returned to my thoughts over and over since then - and I‘ve realised that it’s because the situation conflicted with 3 of my Core Values, and that’s why I can’t put it to rest.
I could move forward by acting against my Core Values, but nothing good will come of that, and I could blame others for what I’m feeling, but even less good will come of that. The best solution here, I think, is to remove myself from the role in which the situation occurred, and so prevent it from happening again.
Sometimes we can fit a round peg into a square hole, but to fit a square peg into a round hole requires a fundamental re-shaping that means it can never be that square peg ever again.
Sometimes filling the majority of the hole can be the most important thing, but usually it’s much better to keep the integrity of the peg, and look instead for a squarer hole…