Swimming Upstream...

For most of this year, it feels like I’ve been trying to swim upstream. And not in a gently babbling brook either - it feels like I’ve been trying to swim against the current of a fast flowing river. At night. Wearing double denim. And boots.
But yesterday a big project was went live, and then this morning, when I looked at my strategic plan, I realised that I have now completed three of my six biggest projects for this year, and within a week, number four will be done too.
That’s the thing about doing hard, challenging work - it’s really, really hard until it’s done, and then it suddenly becomes an experience (and if we’re really lucky, a valuable experience).
So if you are swimming upstream, know that soon you will be done too, and that next time, you might find that rather than swimming at night, you’re doing your swimming in the dawn of a bright new day….