The Point...

When you start a business, it’s easy to get seduced into trying to build it as big as you can*. More sales, more profit, more customers, more employees. Michael Gerber says in ‘The E-Myth’, “…how big can your business naturally become ? Because whatever limitation you place on that is unnatural.”
But maybe that’s not always the point of starting our own business. Maybe the point is to see if we can do it. Maybe the point is to do the work we want to do. Maybe the point is to earn what we need, not earn all that we can.
Whatever the reason (and there’s nothing wrong with growing big if that’s what we really want to do), it pays to keep checking back every now and then to see if the way things are now is the way we wanted them to be when we first set out…
(* It’s the same with a career in someone else’s business - we just swap building bigger for climbing higher).