The Space Between Hard Work and Rest...

Right now I’m feeling more purposeful and I’m taking more action, more decisively than I have done in years.
The ‘flywheel-effect’ of positive momentum helps.
Before that, clarifying my long-term vision helped me to get the flywheel started.
Before that, getting an awesome business coach helped me to clarify my vision.
Before that, re-reading the E-Myth pushed me to finally seek out a business coach.
And before that, taking a proper break from the day-to-day of running my business gave me the space and impetus to re-read the E-Myth.
All of the above, building one on top of the other have helped me to get to this place of more purposeful action and positive momentum - but none of them would have happened without that initial break. We’re conditioned to believe that working harder and longer is the best way to move forward - but maybe the real answer lies in the space between hard work and proper rest…