There's ALWAYS a way to move forward...

David Round
There's ALWAYS a way to move forward...

There's ALWAYS a way to move forward...

For almost 6 months I had an e-mail in my inbox with a link to a @sethgodin Q&A video. I knew it would be awesome, and I knew it would help me to move forward, but sitting and watching a 1hr 45 minute video just never happened.

And then yesterday I realised (duh !) that I could leave the video playing on my phone in my pocket and listen to the audio on my daily walk.

So that’s what I did this morning this morning, and it WAS awesome, it DID unblock me, and I’m sitting here full of positive energy, desperate to get going.

You see, there is ALWAYS A WAY TO MOVE FORWARD, it’s just that sometimes it needs US to think outside the box and do things just a little differently…

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