What You Learn About Yourself...

I'm currently reading ‘Emotional Intelligence’ by Daniel Goleman. It’s a well-researched book, filled with deep insights, but gosh I’m finding it a hard read - it’s a bit dated and it’s VERY wordy (and a lot of them are REALLY LONG words 😊 )
A few years ago I would probably have given up, and put it on my ‘too hard to read’ pile, but I’m persevering because I have learnt that :
1. EVERY book has some wisdom to impart, even if sometimes it’s hard to find;
2. Other people rate it, so I just need to work harder to find the value they see;
3. I read every morning, and if I wasn’t reading this book, I would be reading another, so I might as well continue with this one.
Learning isn’t always easy but it is always worth it, because sometimes you learn more about yourself than you do about the subject you’re studying…