What you've already done...

Everything feels like a bit of a slog at the moment, and everywhere I look I seem to see something I have to do (and haven’t), but yesterday as I was updating my weekly to do list (a day late…) I was pleasantly surprised.
You see, in looking back over the last 5 or 6 weeks to make sure I hadn’t missed anything, I realised that I’ve actually gotten quite a lot of stuff done - big things, small things, things I had procrastinated over - there in black and white was a list of completed tasks I’d have happily settled for back in March.
Whether it’s Kanban, GTD, Bullet Journaling or a good old-fashioned To Do List, we think the power of the process is in highlighting the things we have to do - forgetting that the motivation to do new things can just as easily come from looking back at the things we’ve already done…