365 opportunities...

365 opportunities to...
Learn a new skill. Improve your handwriting. Learn a musical instrument. Meditate. Say hello to a stranger. Hold open a door. Smile. Write down something you did well today. Compliment a co-worker. Read for 30 minutes. Watch a documentary. Spend time with family. Colour between the lines. Colour outside the lines. Step outside your comfort zone. Phone your mum. Do 30 minutes of tidying. Talk to your kids. Practice a magic trick. Plan the next step of your biggest goal. Breathe. Watch a TED talk. Design your perfect day. Ask for help. Walk during your lunch hour. Practice gratitude. Say Thank You. Do something different.
Looking at the whole year can be daunting, so think of it as 365 different opportunities - mess one up, and there’ll be another one tomorrow…