Avoid at all costs...

There's a story about how Warren Buffett helped his pilot Mike Flint to set better career goals - I can’t do it justice here, so google it if you’d like the fully story - but the principle is that from a list of his top 25 possible career priorities, Flint needed to focus all of his efforts on the top 5, and avoid the other 20 at all costs.
Maybe I don’t have the bandwidth (or the opportunities) of Buffett or Flint, but I have been experiencing the tension of competing goals and conflicting opportunities, so this morning I listed my 3 top priorities for the medium-term and made the real decision that everything else needs to be avoided. I already feel better.
Sometimes it’s not the number of options we have that’s the issue - it’s the fact that we don’t decide which ones to ignore that causes all of the problems….