Base Building...

David Round
Base Building...
Base Building...

Back when I did triathlons, there were two types of winter routine; easing-off on the training with plenty of seasonal indulgence, or base-building - long, slow workouts designed to strengthen the cardiovascular system ready for the coming season.

I’ll admit, I was usually in the indulging camp, except for the final year I competed, when I used the winter to get fitter and stronger than I had ever been before. It’s no coincidence that the year that followed was the year I beat all of my previous bests and completed an Ironman.

We’re entering one of the longest winters many of us will ever know, and we have a choice - enjoy ourselves as much as we can, or use the time to dig deep and build skills and strengths that will stand us in good stead for whatever next year brings.

Neither choice is wrong, and they both have their merits (and maybe a balance of both would be better for those who can manage it), but for me I’m going down the base-building route, because who knows what opportunities next year will bring…

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