Battery Charging...

We all need to recharge our battery from time to time. Here are 5 things that have recently worked for me :
1. Get out and network - meeting someone new (or connecting more deeply with a passing acquaintance) fills us with possibility;
2. Cross something off your list - I’m giving proper Bullet Journaling a go, and it’s great to cross something of the list because I’ve done it, or realised that it doesn’t matter any more;
3. Move your workspace - your old space is surrounded by uncrossed t’s and undotted i’s, and a different room, desk or table is like a breath of fresh air, even if the move is just temporary;
4. Stop a bad habit, just for a week - you can go back to it in 7 days if you want to, with a new story to tell and maybe a fresh insight;
5. Start a good habit, just for a week - you can stop in 7 days if you want to, with a new story to tell, and maybe a fresh insight;
Your list will be different to mine, but the extra energy from recharging will be just as powerful…