Short-term vs Long-term Happiness...

David Round
Short-term vs Long-term Happiness...

Short-term vs Long-Term Happiness...

As I’m writing this, I’m desperate to get to the next task on my list*. It is something that I love doing, and will yield results that will bring me joy and make me more productive.

So why don’t I just do that first, and then write this page later ?

Simple - because writing this page is more important.

Short-term happiness comes from doing the things we want to do, when we want to do them, but long-term happiness and growth sometimes means putting off the things we want to do until we’ve done the things we need to do.

All things being equal I’d write this page this afternoon, but all things aren’t equal, are they…?

*The next thing on my list is assembling the IKEA furniture for my new workspace. Seriously - it is one of my favourite things, and I’m literally tingling in anticipation…

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