Being open-minded...

What do you do when someone makes a good logical argument that you don’t want to agree with…?
For example, I have always been an early riser (around 5:00am after 6 ½ hours sleep) because it gives me extra time to get things done, and I figured I just didn’t need that much sleep…
BUT, I’m reading ‘Why We Sleep’ by Matthew Walker, and he makes a strong, reasoned, scientific argument that when we get less than 8 hours sleep a night, our performance (mental and physical) is less than optimal, and will deteriorate over time - an argument that puts enough nagging-doubts in my mind that I might just have to give his approach a try.
As human beings, we always have a choice - we can dig our heels in about our beliefs, or we can accept that new information might just change them - because we can’t claim to be open minded unless we are willing to open our minds to the possibility that there might just be another way…