Changing Habits...

Yesterday I changed one of my Daily Habits.
Now regular readers will know that this is not a change I would make lightly, but after 600 consecutive days it was a change I thought long and hard about….
I changed my ‘>30 minutes of reading’ Daily Habit to a ‘>30 minutes of learning’ habit.
I said it would appear minor.
In reality though, it’s a big change for me because it allows me to listen to audiobooks whilst walking, which in turn means that most days I can walk for longer since I won’t be spending 30 minutes at my desk reading.
I’ll admit, breaking the old streak was the hardest part, but sometimes we need to make a change to shake ourselves out of our comfort zone a little.
But I’ll tell you something…this new change doesn’t have long to prove itself. If it’s not working out better in 250 days, I’m changing straight back…