Dream big, not small...

Back in my corporate days I had a choice - protect my position and stay where I was, enjoying the fruits of my labours (and dealing with the stresses that went with them) or leave it all behind and start my own business and enjoy the freedom of doing things my way (and deal with the stresses that come with it :-) ). I decided to leave, and ironically, the company was taken over a year later and no longer exists in the form that it did.
Acting on big dreams is scary - the bigger the dream, the greater the change it will bring to our lives, and whilst much of that change will be great for our personal growth, it means, by it’s very definition, that things will be different afterwards, and that can give our fears the opportunity to take over.
But change will happen anyway, whether we decide to make it, or whether someone else decides to make it on our behalf - at least when change is on our terms, our chances of success are that much greater….