Enjoy The Process...

A few years ago, I wanted to increase my knowledge, so I started trying to read a good personal development book for an hour a day. It was hard work, nothing seemed to stick, and it became a chore. I stopped.
A while later I tried again, but this time I set the goal as 30 minutes of reading, and moved it to first thing in the morning with my coffee, and, three years later, it became one of my favourite parts of the day.
It doesn’t matter how much you want to achieve a goal, if you don’t enjoy the process, your chances of success are pretty slim.
So the next time you decide to make a change, ask yourself how you can enjoy the process as much as you’ll enjoy the end result, and one day you might be pleasantly surprised to see your original goal way back in the rear-view mirror, and right now you’re just enjoying the ride…
Recently I evolved my reading/learning process further - 25 minutes of reading, 10 minutes to hand write my notes, and 5 more minutes to type those notes into a searchable document. I’m loving it just as much, but now I feel I’m learning even more.