From tomorrow...

“Right ! From tomorrow I’m going to………”
We can all fill in the blank; we have all made resolutions to ourselves that ‘from tomorrow’ things will be different - we’ll eat healthier, journal daily, step out of our comfort zone, work harder, or one of a hundred other promises we make and never quite follow through on.
Personally I ‘quit smoking tomorrow’ a hundred times until the one tomorrow, 19 years ago, that I did.
I vowed to ‘read more from tomorrow’ lots of times, until 467 days ago I vowed to read for 30 minutes a day, and have done ever since.
And I know that there are things that YOU promised yourself ‘from tomorrow’ that you are still doing today.
We all set goals ‘from tomorrow’ and not all of them succeed - but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep trying, because one tomorrow is all it takes…