Fun, Freedom & Flexibility...

One of my core values is ‘fun, freedom and flexibility’, which I originally intended as a reminder that, after spending 20+ years being a good corporate citizen, it’s now me that’s in control of what I do and when I do it, and that if I’m not enjoying something, I can change it, or stop doing it completely.
And then the other day I realised that the ‘3F’s’ also have the power to be something more - an audit for how things are right now and a check on whether I have my balance right - so I rated, out of 10, how much fun life is (a COVID-affected 3), the freedom I have to just take time off (4) and how much flexibility I have to work on what I feel like (5). It has been a thought-provoking exercise, and I have seriously re-adjusted my goals and longer-term plans as a result.
I’ve long-believed it’s important to define a set of core values to live by - but what’s just as important is taking the time to see if we actually are…