My Core Principles...

Following on from yesterday’s post, here are my refined Core Principles; I have reduced them to 10 (for no reason other than it feels right somehow) and I have attempted to put them in priority order (partly to remove conflict and partly to signify their relative importance in moving towards my goals).
1. Family First
2. Live With Intention
3. Build Powerful Daily Habits
4. Lean, Fit & Healthy
5. Do The Right Thing
6. Fulfil Your Potential
7. Be Courageous
8. You Don’t Have To Do It Alone
9. Writing Helps
10. Share The Journey
Being able to define our core principles helps us to move forward, and navigate the challenges we face on a daily basis - and a regular review means that we are taking time to reflect on where we are heading and how we are getting there.
What would be on your list ?