Not Being Mean...

I’m no longer a fan of my e-mail software - it used to be fun and intuitive and now it feels over-complicated and dull. It’s also mean.
Take, for example, the list limit. Above the limit you have to pay - that’s fine and fair - but when you hit the limit, they stop sending everything - no warning, no ‘only send to those under the limit’, everything just stops. Like I said, mean.
Yesterday my daily e-mail didn’t send. I assumed I’d hit the limit again. Just another example of meanness.
Except it wasn’t. It was me. I’d screwed up. I’d forgotten to tick a box that I have to tick every day to make things work. I automatically blamed them, and they didn’t deserve it.
Just because we don’t agree with one thing, it doesn’t follow that everything else someone says or does is wrong. Adopting that sort of attitude is just, well, mean…