Seeing it through…

A few months ago I set myself the goal of getting better at recording video, so I started recording a weekly Facebook Live video over on the main William Hannah page.
I’m pretty sure that none of them have gone exactly to plan….
I started by somehow recording the video sideways, and followed that by being so pixelated it looked like I was recorded in 8-bit; on one the fan on my computer was so loud it sounded like a plane was taking-off, and on another it sounded like I was recording in a tin can.
Yesterday, I tried something new, and managed to get the audio out of sync with the video….
You’d think that I would just call it a day, but instead I just keep on trying, hoping next week is the week I finally get it right.
You see, when you start something that’s really important to you, you just have to see it through, whether it takes 17 attempts, or 9,999…