Simpler goals...

Yesterday I wrote about how I had moved forward on a number of key tasks without too much active intention, and on reflection, I think I know why.
About a month ago I took a look at the goals on my wall and realised that there were so many, and they were so ambitious, that they were actually having a negative effect on my day-to-day work - it’s easy to get lost in the attractive bigger picture, and lose sight of the work that needs to be done right now.
So I simplified my goals, and set my focus on the shorter-term - the work I needed to do in the next 3-6 months. The effect has been pretty positive - I know what I need to do, and how I need to do it because much of it is just the next step from here; my subconscious self can get on and do it, while the rest of me is busy on my day to day work.
So if you are struggling to move forward on your goals, maybe it’s time to simplify them a little, and focus instead on the next few logical steps…