
My word of last year was INTENTION, and although at times it gave me focus, I couldn’t honestly say that it had the effect I hoped, so this year I decided that I probably wouldn’t set a single word, and I would just rely upon my goals for focus.
And then this morning, as I was reflecting on what I had read in ‘The Untethered Soul’, a single word appeared, and that word is RESPONSIBILITY.
Now, just like all the good words in the dictionary have two or more meanings, for me, in this context, so does this one.
Responsibility [ ri-spon-suh-bil-ity ], noun
1. To take full responsibility for my actions, and for what I do and don’t do in the pursuit of my goals;
2. To seek to give and take the right level of responsibility with other people and situations, rather than taking too much, which is my current approach.
I’ll let you know how I get on, but for now the word has passed the first test - it’s already written on a Post It and has been stuck my computer monitor…