Take a good book...

David Round
Take a good book...
Take a good book...

Take a good personal development book, maybe a classic (and one of my favourites) like Stephen Covey’s ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’…

  • To get the gist, read the blurb on the cover
  • To see what others think, read the Amazon reviews
  • To pretend you’ve read it, read the summary on an app.
  • To understand the ideas, read the book.
  • To remember the key ideas, highlight stuff.
  • To learn from, reflect on and adapt the ideas, write notes.
  • To reference the ideas (his and yours), type up your notes.
  • To refresh and embed the ideas, re-read your notes.
  • To share the ideas, talk about the book
  • To gift the wisdom, buy someone the book.
  • To make a difference, learn to teach…
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